Jerde Analytics cracks the code turning disparate data into strategies that optimize workplace and portfolio planning.

Thought Leadership



From Low Utilization to Your Bottom Line: A Reality Check

Data on workplace attendance, occupancy and space utilization can be revelatory for a client. One common insight, even before the hybrid era, is that average occupancy conditions are “low” in percentage terms (spaces occupied / total spaces). But too often we also see kneejerk reactions on how much money can be saved by cutting “under-utilized” footprint. Although feasible in many cases and a key objective of our work—identifying cost-saving measures—this approach can be misleading given the characteristics of a high-performing and resilient workplace.

A Tale of two technology workplaces

Space planning benchmarks are frequently used by clients to compare their standards to those of their competitors. While this can be a valuable exercise, it can also be misleading and potentially harmful. This article discusses similarities and differences between two global technology competitors and reveals why benchmark comparisons aren’t appropriate without more consideration of company-specific policies and culture.

How to optimize the future workplace with analytics

The role of the workplace has evolved to support more diverse ways of working, community-building, culture, mobility, and collaboration. To meet these needs, Fortune 500 leaders are focusing on next generation analytics to gain actionable insight into the future design and planning of the workplace. Over the last five years, Jerde Analytics and Synthetic Studio worked hard to develop new analytic techniques, optimizing design and planning for cost, experience, and performance. This joint white paper reveals their learnings.

Workplace Solutions: Designing With Engineers

July 2019

Application of Data Science in Corporate Real Estate and Workplace Design

2018 INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & Operations Research
April 2018

The big ideas behind microsoft’s New “Design Language”

Metropolis Magazine
January 2018